left and no longer holding back

gamer. RN. not your typical cutie-patutie girl. alternative music fan. no nonsense. giggler. mango juice addict. beach lover.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

thank you for not bugging me....

I'm very happy that today is the 1st day I did not receive any messages from you.  I hope this will continue through the rest of our stay here.  I would like to be your friend but not more than that.  If you want me to be comfortable around you then you must learn not to treat me in that extra 'special' way. 

Oh well.... with that set aside... its 80s day here in the office.  Everyone came in their 80s outfits and we all had a good laugh.  It was so fun... this is definitely something that I will miss when I leave.  I try not to count the days... 

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Its really flattering that you know that despite the fact that you already have a boyfriend, some guys still find you attractive.  Its quite annoying sometimes because you already told that person that you can only be friends, but still he treats you like he heard absolutely nothing.  For crying out loud, the guy even has a girlfriend. Shame on him. Bigtime. 

I'm not the type of girl who would cheat on my boyfriend. Absolutely not.  I still believe that you "Get what you give."  Another thing is that I'm very much happy and contented with what I have, so why would I destroy something so precious to me.  We wouldn't last 5 years if I wasn't happy.  With him, I can still be who I am and he can still be who he is.  We are a couple but we are still individuals.  I don't think you would call it a healthy relationship if you can't be yourself because the other one prevents you from doing so.

I thought at first I was just being paranoid.  But the people around me already notice.  So ask me out for coffee? You asked me lots of times already and the answer is NO.  You asked me again today.  The answer is NO and will always be NO.